понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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Last night I met a boy who was cute and intelligent and made me laugh like I havenapos;t in weeks. He walked me home and at my door he pulled me close and ran his hands through my hair while he kissed me. Upon walking into my house I was baffled by how easy the whole thing was.

Iapos;m NOT trying to say that this boy is my saving grace or anything, but he made me realize that there was never for one single second a moment with Taylor when things werenapos;t completely and totally complicated. And even though Iapos;ve had myself convinced of the fact that I will never love anyone more than him for the past year and a half now, Iapos;m finally realizing that I do not deserve all the things that he puts me through. For those few brief moments that weapos;re completely in love and throwing up puppies and rainbows on each other I have to suffer through months of uncertainty about how heapos;s going to act.

So, Iapos;m letting go.

Maybe someday heapos;ll realize what an amazing opportunity he missed by not being there for me the way that I needed him to. And I am not in any way the clingy and insecure person that I used to be. The only thing I have ever asked of Taylor is to NOT pull his disappearing off the face of the earth for indeterminate amounts of time deal.

I should not base my happiness on whether or not Taylor pays attention to me. I will not anymore.

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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Mark 10:35-45
by Pastor Patrick Chew

His asounding teaching acts really well as an wake-up call fo me.

I really need to allow God to search my heart and His Spirit to help me to guard it.
Been in the ministry for the blind for more than a year, day in day out getting busy;
Am I working because I am paid to do or am I still serving with a heart of a servant?

As Pastor was sharing his testimony of how God both rebuke and answer his question of all the "whyapos;s",
each of word just pierced through my heart.

apos;Until I can trust you with My Compassion, I canapos;t trust you with My Power."

Matthew 9:36 - "When he (Jesus) saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd."

Oh deep conviction

Those unrevealled pride and vainity began to suface one at a time.

All these while, people around me have praised, envy and admire me for what I am doing.
To some, I projected an image of a good Samaritian.

Actually fact and reality? No, not at all.

I recalled many times I allowed my mood, my emotions to govern my compassion for others.
They are so circumstance-centre.

This is an issue I need to let God deal with and to mature spiritually.

I thank God for His teaching that He spoke -
not to bring shame, but conviction to see our weakness.
not to put us down, but to find strength in Him to overcome.

I believe with the guidance of His Holy Spirit, I can be transform to be someone whom Our Lord can entrust with more.

Let this be one of the resolution for 2009.

How can I begin to be a servant?
1. Be a servant at home
2. Be sensitive to the needs of those around you
3. Be a volunteer and serve

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(She walks to the Ood standing nearest.)
DONNA Um, sorry, but...
(He doesnapos;t seem to notice her, so she touches his shoulder to get his attention and smiles.)
DONNA Hello. Tell me, are you all like this?
(The Ood switches on and lifts up�the ball)
OOD: I do not understand, Miss.
(Donnaapos;s smile drops)
DONNA Why do you say "Miss", do I look single?
(The Doctor looks at her, seeing where this is going)
DOCTOR Back to the point.�

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Things are looking up on the job front As some of you know, my contract at the school Iapos;m working at ends in December with no chance of renewal so Iapos;ve been starting my job hunting now. So Iapos;ve been applying for a few jobs that Iapos;ve spotted and awaiting invitations to interviews........when the Head Teacher at my current school comes in to see me and asks if I could stay on until Christmas. She told me that she will have a position for me in the new year but she wonapos;t know the details until November So, that was a nice bit of news for me. At least Iapos;ve got a bit of job security for a while longer

Helen :)

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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Beste allen,

Waar zijn we mee bezig, waarom, wanneer en wat komt er uit al dit werk? Dit is een vraag die iedereen in de klas zich aan het stellen is, en zo gaat dat ook bij ons groepje ("die lui uit Amsterdam en De Bilt" ... UTRECHT MENSEN, ik woon in Utrecht. Ik ben er geboren en - oke, wel in De Bilt getogen - maar nu woon ik weer in het hartsie van de stad in het hartsie van het land, en daarmee uit). Inmiddels weten we zo ongeveer (althans we denken dat we het weten) waar we nou eigenlijk mee bezig zijn.

De interviews met de Westwalbewoners zijn eigenlijk wel afgerond, we hebben veel audiomateriaal.
We zijn vorige week bij Wout thuis bezig geweest met de opnames te monteren, te mixen en eigenlijk volledig uit hun verband te rukken. Aan de ene kant levert dit komische of vervreemdende stukken op, aan de andere kant heerst er in ons groepje nog enige tegenzin voor het 'kapot maken' van de schitterende verhalen van de bewoners. We hebben namelijk ontzettend veel tijd en moeite gestoken in de band met de bewoners. Dit is heel goed gegaan, en de mensen die mee hebben gewerkt hebben hun hele ziel en zaligheid aan ons uitgestort.

Ikzelf heb eerlijk gezegd niet zo veel moeite met het plaatsen van de fragment in een absurde context. Het idee wat we eerst hadden riep bij mij muffe museum voorstellingen op en dat was niet waar ik heen wilde, dus de rare effecten die de beelden die we verzameld hebben met het geluid er onder vind ik juist een goed idee. Wat ik wel jammer vind is dat we eigenlijk geen eigen beeldmateriaal gaan gebruiken, maar stukken uit de oude 'stomme' film die we van Rob (bewoner van de Westwal) hebben meegekregen. Denk je "tof, ik ga fotografie studeren", maak je helemaal geen foto's Hier zal ik mij overheen moeten zetten, en dat komt ook helemaal goed. Ik had uberhaupt even een inspiratieloze inzinking waarbij het werken in groepjes me voor een klein moment ook even wat moeite koste. No offense, ik vind mijn groepje dolgezellig en ik houd van samenwerken. Maar mensen hebben eigen manieren van denken, een eigen idee welke richting het project op moet gaan, een eigen stijl, etc. Door in een team te werken kun je je krachten bundelen zodat er iets prachtigs uit rolt. Maar ik had even het idee dat we naar een compromis aan het zoeken waren waarbij ieders wensen gerespecteerd werden. En een middenweg is vaak nogal suf.

Maargoed. We gaan de stukken uit de oude film en de audiostukken van de interviews onder elkaar zetten, zodat het een vervreemdend effect heeft. We maken een raar verhaal waardoor de kijker zich vragen gaat stellen. De kijker zetten we in een piepklein woonkamertje waarin we de voorwerpen plaatsen (als het goed is mogen we alle voorwerpen van de bewoners lenen), zodat de intieme sfeer die we ervaren hebben achter de deuren van de Westwal toch nog boven komt drijven en het vreemde effect dat de film moet gaan hebben versterkt wordt.

Momenteel zit Jeroen bij zijn chick in Rio (inderdaad in Brazilie) en staan Wout en ik er alleen voor. Ik denk dat we het wel overleven, ik zal hem eens bellen.

Dat is het voor nu
Latuurr, Myrthe

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Thoughts about temperature connection.
the only connection i can rely on??
becca has been really nice to me recently.
via myspace that is.
i started being friend with brittney,
because some random magnetic force told me to.
i wonder if that feeling is still there.
i cant feel it right now.
my left side feels like its been stabbed.
and someone twisting the knife around.
yeah, ouch??
but now something is pulling me to
talk to becca.
i dont know what im ment to tell her.
alot has happened today.
its really easy to talk to her.
she usually asks all the right questions.
she usually says the most reasonable and unexpected thing.
i like that,
because why would i ask your opinion if
you were only going to say what i already knew?
tell me something that i dont know.
i dont know...
nobody seems to be able to do that but her.
not mary, not ryan.
and after all that has happened today.
im scared.
i feel empty, lyke im without anybody.
but then i know that im not.
so far four people know about me and marys situation.
in this order; brandon, ryan, becca, and you elaine.
since the only reason i write in this
is basically for you.
since i only have two friends on livejournal.
you and mary.
but mary never goes on.
me and mary got into a fight today.
it doesnt seem as big of a deal now.
to me at least.
i feel kind of guilty for making a big deal about it.
and kind of guilty for hurting my friend.
but i think it needed to be done.
and its not finished yet either.
shes so hard to tell this to though.
that she complains and stuff, alot.
like alot alot.
but i dont want to talk about mary anymore.
i think i got brittney lake and ryan to talk.
did i already say that?
im not sure,
and im too lazy too look.
but like i told becca,
i feel alone now.
that i know ryan was with brittney.
when i needed to talk to him.
but i guess i can last.
i know ryan is my friend and stuff.
but it seems wierd.
he only wants to hang with me,
if theres someone else there.
and stuff.
and when i need a shoulder to cry on,
he cant be there.
becca used to sneek her fone with her,
where ever she was.
and we would talk for house upon hours.
but its not the same with ryan.
i dont know.
hes not here when i need him right now.
and becca actually is.
i feel so nostalgic.
its the same feeling i got when i was friends with becca.
theres a smell that even goes with it.
haha, the becca smell.
thinking about good times with becca,
makes me feel better.
but then when i look back at what happened in the end.
everything hurts all that much more.
but right now the pain in my side is gone.
it burned up and melted away.
now its just flaming a little,
if you know what i mean that is.
it feels like its on fire,
but its not burning.
it doesnt hurt.
i still have the worry about school work,
and my science test tommorow.
and my wordly wise thats due.
and ryan isnt helping.

wow. I have been working on writting this for like a couple hours.
inbetween texts. And myspace messages.
that really ment alot.
and my opinions have changed now.
now i feel lyke everything is going to be okay.
because becca is back.
and mary is okay. She will be okay.
she said she was sorry, and i will deal
more with that tommorow.
ryan and me are okay.
and ryan and brittney are okay.
and im okay.
im more than okay.
im on a pretty large dose of BECCA right now.
and im okay...
everything is okay.
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Im afraid to talk to you because you constantly take everything I�say the wrong way.
But why do I�care?�I�shouldnapos;t be talking to you in the first place.
All the things you have done to me. Why do I�even try.�
All I really want is someone to still care for me. But It seems its too much to ask for.�
Who the hell do you think you are anyway. You think your mature, you think your something special?�
Well let me tell you. Wake the fuck up and look at yourself because your not.�
Your fucking fake and your bad acting has consumed you.�
You still donapos;t know who you are and I�know you know it.�
Trying to be like the people you think are better will get you nowhere.�
Youapos;ll realize when they all leave you and you wish you would have stayed with me.�

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